COVID-19: Finding Positivity Despite Tragedy
By Emma Andrew
In a world that is the most mobile in its history, the idea of being confined to our homes was an earth-shaking revelation in 2020. A once interconnected, bustling world became desolate and isolated in the matter of days the COVID-19 reared its ugly head. From Wuhan, to Rio de Janeiro, to New York City, to Milan, the world became wracked by the effects of the virus. Many were displaced, left stranded in foreign countries as borders closed and airlines shut down. However, for most, we were at home.
In a time when our noses are spent pressed to a screen daily, we often can lose sight of the incredible gift that technology is. During an extreme circumstance such as a world wide pandemic, however, it is illuminating how incredibly invaluable technology can be. From one side of the world to another, or perhaps just from city to city, friends and family can video call and be able to see the faces and hear the voices of those whom they love. That is something very special. (makes it possible to see family members who are risk patients, can work from home)
On Facebook, there is a group called “View from my window.” With close to 2.5 million members who share photos of the view from their window, along with a short caption about their quarantine experience, the edge of isolation is dulled for a brief moment with every post. People from all over the world like and comment on the photo, bringing well wishes and positivity from across the globe. The photos can be of spectacular views from an island bungalow in Mauritius, or a snowy cabin in Canada, or a view of the empty streets of Italy, or even the realistic (and relatable) view of the suburbs somewhere in the midwestern USA. It has maintained humility and not become a competition of who has the best view, which is another great example of how the intentions of the group are in the right place. This sort of unification is unprecedented, and a wonderful reminder of the capability of strangers to be kind.
In my personal experience, COVID-19 completely radicalized the way I view life. During the majority of this experience, I was in a foreign country away from my current home in another foreign country, which culminated into a very tricky situation. After living in Shanghai, China for a year, I was on holiday in Germany when borders began closing and the situation quickly escalated. I was housed by people who had otherwise been complete strangers before my arrival, and taken in without question as one of their own. Being so far away from home, and yet feeling so welcomed during this frightening situation, softened my heart with the utmost feelings of gratitude. After speaking to many others during this time, I have heard tales of others receiving and displaying huge acts of kindness to those in need. Although the media loves to exploit the dark side of reality, they often underestimate the dopamine-pumping, powerful effect of positivity and compassion.
Taking a step back, it is quite a shocking epiphany to realize there is rarely one thing that affects every country in the world like COVID-19 does. COVID-19 managed to give every country a crisis in common. Although it has cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars, the empathy has risen amongst people all across the globe. Where some countries have strengths, they help others with their weaknesses. In Germany, the strong health care system and abundance of hospitals has allowed for the country to take in critically ill patients from surrounding countries. The United States has shipped ventilators amongst other medical supplies to Russia. China sent face masks, ventilators, medications, and medical suits to Italy and Spain. Countries came together in ways never seen before to save human lives, even if previously at odds with each other in some sort of political struggle.
As the year of 2020 has been tempestuous, dark, and unsettling, there has been a silver lining peeking out from behind the clouds the entirety of the time. If we step away from our frenzied news sources, we can witness the peace of the rain hitting our windpanes, the curve of the face of our children, the sound of our neighbor’s music drifting through our window. Happiness is pervasive and limitless, as it has been through countless tragedies in human history. The balance of light and dark in life provides an allowance for appreciation, as humans are creatures of balance. Our unity can transcend the power struggles of our governments and social unrest through this time, for we are the fabric of society, and we choose kindness.